Spencer W. Jensen
+1 (801) 400-6720
MSc of Speech and Language Processing
📍University of Edinburgh
🏴Edinburgh, Scotland
Ranked one of the world's best for speech and language processing
Courses: Speech Synthesis, Automatic Speech Recognition, NLP, Machine Translation, ML and Pattern Recognition, Second Language Acquisition, Speech Processing
Dissertation: Accentedness of L2 speech and L2 speech synthesis
MSc of Information Systems Management
BS in Information Systems, Mathematics Minor
📍Brigham Young University – Marriott School of Business
🇺🇸Provo, Utah, USA
Courses: Full Stack Development, Advanced DB, Mathematical Cryptography, Project Management, Fraud Detection and Prevention, PhD prep
Capstone: Managing digital advertising data using smart contracts and blockchain technology
Self-employed Contractor
Speech understanding, TTS and ASR decision making, data work, software development, web dev, home improvement and renovation projects
Software Engineer Full-Stack
Rosetta Stone / IXL Learning
Associate Software Engineer Full-Stack
Right Angle Engineering
Student Software Engineering Team Lead/Research Assistant
Brigham Young University
JavaScript Developer
LoomVue – King’s Peak Technology
General Manager and Technology Specialist
JB Shelving and Kitchen Wise of Salt Lake City
Vice President of Student Experience
Association of Information Systems, Brigham Young University
Skills & Achievements
Entrepreneur: Self-employed contractor, developer, website designer and home improvement
Tech: Python, Pytorch, Azure, AWS, C#/.NET, Angular, React, SQL, Docker, JS/TS, Terraform, Bash, DBT, DB schemas, React, Node.js, Flutter, Java, LaTeX, Smart contract development, Testing
Advanced Czech, Intermediate Swedish, Beginner Russian, excellent interpretation and translation skills
2nd place AIS national Blockchain case competition, 2nd place Software Innovation competition in USA
State Champion in athletics, Eagle Scout, Musician - Euphonium player in brass band